Everything is Hard before it becomes Easy...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

What Make Us Rich???

"In any situation, the best thing you can do is the right thing; the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing; the worst thing you can do is nothing."
Theodore Roosevelt


What will constitute enduring riches?

Everyone desires to be rich. But is it right to believe that riches consist only in material things that money can buy?

(Napoleon Hill, 1883-1970)

Here is Napoleon Hill’s list of the 12 things which constitute real riches. Every single point is mentioned and discussed in “Think and Grow Rich”, Napoleon Hill’s classic book.

1. A positive mental attitude. (Observe that it heads the list.)
2. Sound physical health.
3. Harmony in human relations.
4. Freedom from fear.
5. The hope of future achievement.
6. The capacity for applied faith.
7. Willingness to share ones blessings with others.
8. To be engaged in the labour of love.
9. An open mind on all subjects toward all people.
10. Complete self discipline.
11. Wisdom with which to understand people.
12. Financial security

Observe if you will, with great benefit, the fact that money comes at the end of the list of the twelve things that make men rich...


P/S: There will be a lot more on Napoleon Hill's legacy that I'd love to share. InsyaAllah, with given time, energy and wisdom, what I've perceived will be shared...

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Singgah sebentar disini lalu m'follow'n diri..Dari blog ur wife tadi.... =)